Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Learning In Schools And In Higher Education

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 09.19
Studying in college is very different from learning at secondary school. Because the difference is that, many students who find it difficult to adjust the way of learning in college. They use the learning strategies they have used successfully in high school, but they were disappointed because it turns out, in college, the results are not as good as when they were in high school. Many students are forced to quit school (drop-outs) in the first year because of difficulty adjusting to this.There are six differences in learning in schools and colleges.
The first difference is in the middle school students are usually more passive, while teachers are more active. More students to act as recipients of knowledge, while teachers are considered as the giver of knowledge. In high perguuan, professors expect students more actively in search of knowledge, while it serves as a facilitator who helps students achieve the learning objectives agreed upon. Sources of information about the science being studied also varied and it is provided in the library. At large universities, the number of books in this library can be many and varied, especially when coupled with existing information on the Internet.
The second difference is the academic task of the college's academic task more difficult than in high school. In high school, students usually only asked to summarize the contents of some books or doing exercises in the textbook. In college, you are prompted to think in a higher level, to analyze an issue and write an analysis in the form of paper.
The third difference is in high school, you are obliged to attend every lesson. In college, it is often not valid. Many lecturers at colleges that do not roll students. They did not seem so regardless of whether you attend the lecture hall or not. Perhaps most important to them is whether you can meet the competency standards they have set for these subjects.

The fourth difference is in middle school, teachers often check if you do the tasks you should do at home, such as reading, doing, and training. That way you felt compelled to study at home so that, when faced with an exam, you feel more prepared. In college, you must become independent learners. Many professors who do not want to check if you study at home or not.

The fifth difference is in middle school lessons are usually given every day to the schedule already determined. Students do not have another option and just follow what has been established school. In college, at the beginning of each semester, students should develop educational programs that they want to follow in the semester. You have the option of taking a particular course or not.

The last difference is a test or exam in high school are given quite often and includes a small amount of information / learning materials. Exam or test at college more rarely granted and includes the material. Generally, exams are given twice, in the middle of the semester and at the end of the semester. But there are also professors who only give once, namely at the end of the semester course.

So, learning in schools are letter than learning in higher education, because in school student taught to esteen time, for example expecial in collecting of duty, student is always constructed, and given regulation of school. The regulation function for naughty student or student wich like to abstarct in course of learning to teach. That all will never be found in higher education. Trust that!

6 komentar:

zhy_apriani mengatakan...

Studying in college is very different from learning at secondary school. Because the difference is that, many students who find it difficult to adjust the way of learning in college.

you cannot separate this sentence above, if it's still in the same idea.

Suci Rahma Dilla mengatakan...

hehe...Jiji is right fit. A good point is your essay is not easy to make it. Continue it sista,,, You can do it! Keep writing^^

Anonim mengatakan...


so far your essay is good enough,,
but keep pay attention about grammar, diction and punctuation mark,,,

that's from me!!

keep writing!!

Defrian Anhas mengatakan...

i like zhy_apriani's statement.

Unknown mengatakan...

that is good enough, but it is too short, add some topic..
keep writing dude!!

ichie myself mengatakan...

that is good, but i think you must pay attention in manage space in your essay

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