Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 07.18

Jam Gadang
          Bukittinggi is a very interesting city in West Sumatera. Bukittinggi is called Tour City. It is special for several reasons. First, it has some wonderful places. One of them is Jam Gadang. Jam Gadang used Roman numeral. At night, Jam Gadang gives light for Bukittinggi city. I do not know when the Jam Gadang was built, but I think it was built when the periods of Colonization of Netherland in Indonesia.
          The seconds is Ngarai Sianok. The Location of Ngarai Sianok is near from Achmad Mukhtar’s hospital. The place of Ngarai Sianok is specific, and also there is Lobang Jepang in there.
          Third, Benteng Ford de Kock. We can take picture there, take a rest, and it is a good place for couple. Then, there is a zoo, and we can see many kinds of animal there. In there, no one can not disturb the animal.
          Visitors should not miss it. Not only visitors love Bukittinggi, but also people of around Bukittinggi. Next, the city has a lot of Wisata Kuliner in Pasar Lereng, exactly in Los Lambuang, such as: Nasi Kapau, Ketupat Pical, and Cendol. There are many restaurant too, such as: Simpang Raya, Gulai Kapau, and Gon Raya.
          Talking about shopping, shopping in Bukittinggi is cheaper. The  quality of clothes to be very nice too. Many visitors are addicted to buy something there. I am proud to be one of Bukittinggi’s people, because the weather is cool.
          So far you who never comes to Bukittinggi yet. Now, you must visit Bukittinggi! You can come to Bukittinggi to enjoy your vacation. You can also add your knowladge about Bukittinggi’s  rules, Bukittinggi’s foods, and interesting place there. Bukittinggi is a city that is beautiful and rich of cultures.

3 komentar:

Suci Rahma Dilla mengatakan...

outtt........Bukittingggiiiii.......I miss the zoo. :"{
Why don't you write about the zoo??...
It is good essay, but the introductory paragraps is not complete.^^ spirittt......

Unknown mengatakan...

I love Bukittinggi very much!!
keep writing dude!!

a thousand piece of my heart mengatakan...

when i was in junior to senior hight school once a week i went to bukittinggi,,,,,,,so imiss bukittinggi very much,but i think you need to add more explanation,,,

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