Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

How To Make Fried Noodles

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 05.52
In making Mie Goreng Sedap, we need a wet yellow noodles 1 / 2 kg, 2 pcs egg beaten off, fried onion, green mustard to taste, to taste cabbage, spring onion 1 stalk oblique 1cm pieces, salt, sugar, pepper, soy sauce 2 spoon, sweet soy sauce to taste, water 200 cc, and added with delicate flavor of garlic 5 bb.

Initially, we soak wet yellow noodles with cold water, then drain. Then fried egg, set aside. Next, saute garlic until yellowish add salt, and cook until wilted vegetables add water, give a sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, pepper cook until boiling, put noodles savory sauce, and fried eggs, stir cook until the sauce dries up. Sprinkle fried shallots. You can add meatballs or chicken if desired. And then, fried noodles ready to serve.

5 komentar:

Ayie Honami Genda mengatakan...

"Mie Goreng Sedap", is it an advertisement??? hhe...

It is simple and taste delicious ...^^

Suci Rahma Dilla mengatakan...

hehe....owhh my friend... it looks like delicious!
however, it is too little in making an essay :'(
Keep writing......spirittt^^

Unknown mengatakan...

that is good enough, but it is too short, add some topic..
keep writing dude!!

Wira the Kanadian mengatakan...

It's too short essay...
Why you don't write the inroduction first and conclusion for enclosing...?

It's just like the main points at all...

ichie myself mengatakan...

i think you don't make introduction in your essay

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