Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

How To Make Fried Noodles

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 05.52 5 komentar
In making Mie Goreng Sedap, we need a wet yellow noodles 1 / 2 kg, 2 pcs egg beaten off, fried onion, green mustard to taste, to taste cabbage, spring onion 1 stalk oblique 1cm pieces, salt, sugar, pepper, soy sauce 2 spoon, sweet soy sauce to taste, water 200 cc, and added with delicate flavor of garlic 5 bb.

Initially, we soak wet yellow noodles with cold water, then drain. Then fried egg, set aside. Next, saute garlic until yellowish add salt, and cook until wilted vegetables add water, give a sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, pepper cook until boiling, put noodles savory sauce, and fried eggs, stir cook until the sauce dries up. Sprinkle fried shallots. You can add meatballs or chicken if desired. And then, fried noodles ready to serve.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Learning In Schools And In Higher Education

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 09.19 6 komentar
Studying in college is very different from learning at secondary school. Because the difference is that, many students who find it difficult to adjust the way of learning in college. They use the learning strategies they have used successfully in high school, but they were disappointed because it turns out, in college, the results are not as good as when they were in high school. Many students are forced to quit school (drop-outs) in the first year because of difficulty adjusting to this.There are six differences in learning in schools and colleges.
The first difference is in the middle school students are usually more passive, while teachers are more active. More students to act as recipients of knowledge, while teachers are considered as the giver of knowledge. In high perguuan, professors expect students more actively in search of knowledge, while it serves as a facilitator who helps students achieve the learning objectives agreed upon. Sources of information about the science being studied also varied and it is provided in the library. At large universities, the number of books in this library can be many and varied, especially when coupled with existing information on the Internet.
The second difference is the academic task of the college's academic task more difficult than in high school. In high school, students usually only asked to summarize the contents of some books or doing exercises in the textbook. In college, you are prompted to think in a higher level, to analyze an issue and write an analysis in the form of paper.
The third difference is in high school, you are obliged to attend every lesson. In college, it is often not valid. Many lecturers at colleges that do not roll students. They did not seem so regardless of whether you attend the lecture hall or not. Perhaps most important to them is whether you can meet the competency standards they have set for these subjects.

The fourth difference is in middle school, teachers often check if you do the tasks you should do at home, such as reading, doing, and training. That way you felt compelled to study at home so that, when faced with an exam, you feel more prepared. In college, you must become independent learners. Many professors who do not want to check if you study at home or not.

The fifth difference is in middle school lessons are usually given every day to the schedule already determined. Students do not have another option and just follow what has been established school. In college, at the beginning of each semester, students should develop educational programs that they want to follow in the semester. You have the option of taking a particular course or not.

The last difference is a test or exam in high school are given quite often and includes a small amount of information / learning materials. Exam or test at college more rarely granted and includes the material. Generally, exams are given twice, in the middle of the semester and at the end of the semester. But there are also professors who only give once, namely at the end of the semester course.

So, learning in schools are letter than learning in higher education, because in school student taught to esteen time, for example expecial in collecting of duty, student is always constructed, and given regulation of school. The regulation function for naughty student or student wich like to abstarct in course of learning to teach. That all will never be found in higher education. Trust that!

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 08.20 7 komentar


               My Idol is Westlife. I love Westlife since the sixth grade of Elementary School.The voice of all personnel is good and they are handsome too. Its songs nicely to [in] hearing.and easy easy to to be understood.
               The band was successful in Ireland and Great Britain, got number   13th one singles between 1999 until 2005. They are swear It Again (1999), If  I Let You Go (1999), Flying Without Wings (1999), I have A Dream (1999), Fool Again (2000), Against All Odds (2000), My Love (2000), Uptown Girl (2001), Queen Of My Heart (2001), World of Our Own (2002), Unbreable (2002), Mandy (2003), and You Raise Me Up (2005).
          Westlife personnel are Shane Finan, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne, and Mark Feehily. One other member,  “Bryan McFadden” exit of band on March 9, 2004.

The first personnel name is Shane Filan, He was born in July 1979 and he loves Italian food including pizza, spaghetti, macaroni, peperoni, and fussili.         

          The second personnel name is Kian Egan. Since chilhood,  the boy who was born in Sligo is destined to have many fans. Perhaps bacause he is fun and relaxed wherever he is.

The third personnel  name is Nicky Byrne. His long name is Nicholas Bernard  James Adam and his nicknames is Nicky. Nicky is never over re-acting in front of people, but he always makes people who look at him at him became spellbound.

          The third personnel name is Mark Feehily, Labrador dog named snoopy owner of this turned out to have a high of anyone.

          Therefore, it is all about Westlife. They are handsome and kind boys. They are Shane Filan, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne, and Mark feehily.
Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 08.15 4 komentar


They are many kinds celebration of New Year in some cities. In Bukittinggi, NewYear celebration is unique habbit. There is two place used for the celebration of new year.
First, Jam Gadang, many visitors come to Jam Gadang. I usually invite neighbour to join with me to celebrate New Years Eve outside the house.
Second, Lapangn Kantin. It is a good place, because it is a large wide. There are performing so many kinds of performances. Especially bands, dances, drama, etc. You can buy clothes or looking for some foods there.
I think according to the place of Bukittinggi, Lapangan Kantin is a good place for me. We can also play at fireworks., it will be good looking in the sky. Usually when playing firework, I take a pictures. It is so amazing!
All visitor like to celebrate celebration of New Year  in  Bukittinggi.I do not know why! Maybe, the city does not have interes ing place to celebrate New Years.
Therefore, for you who never comes to Lapangan Kantin yet. Now, you must visit it. Enjoy your New Years Eve.


Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 08.05 4 komentar

     My name is Noer Fitri Sari, everyone calls me “Fitri”. I was born on April 16, 1992 in Padang. I grew up in Bukittinggi, because my Mother got a job there. So, we moved to Bukittinggi. I live in Bukittinggi since I was child. When I was child, I used to play marbels, barbie, bicycle, and hide and seek.
          My hobbies are playing volley ball, basket ball, badminton, and singing. I do not like swimming because swimming can make my body float and lose balance. I hate it! I have not a tallent in swimming. My favourite food are satay, meatball, and fried rice. My favourite drink are avocado juice, orange juice, mango, and apple juice. My favourite television programs are cartoon, Indian’s film, reality show, game show, thriller, and horor film.
          Now, I am a student in Universitas Negeri Padang, and I am a student in English Deparetment. I stay in Padang, exactly in Jl. Musa Endah number 131.
          The location of my boarding house is near from my college. I really like this new place, it is not hard for me to get along time with people. Actually, I can not live alone without my family, especially my parent, but, finally I used to. I always call my mother every day. If I miss my brother and sister, I just send message for them.
          About my curiculum vitae, before in Universitas Negeri Padang, I graduated from Senior High School in Bukittinggi. I graduated from Junior High School, and Elementary School in Bukittinggi also. Its location close to my house
          I am a quite, easy going, but naughty person. During of my life, everyone is happy to be my friend. My friend often talk and share problems to me, it can be said that I am place of sharing to my friend.
          I like music, because music is my life. My lovely music is Pop. Pop Never Dies. When I was Senior High School, I had a band, and I often played in band’s studio after studied with friend. We enjoyed it, it is good for relieving stress, a sense of pennant after studying. We chosen POP song, and romantic song for our performance.

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 07.58 2 komentar

          Nowadays, everyone needs the love, and me too. I really love my family because they always help me in every condition. They are my parent, my sister, and my brother.
          My parent got married in 1991. I was born in 1992. They are very happy, and always love me. One day, I climbed a fence in front of my house. My mother saw that; she took me to the house. Se was afraid that I can be hurted by the sharp fence.
          About my sister, her name is Magfirah Rifka. She is a spoiled girl. She always cries when she does her homework, because she can not do it. Although she is a spoiled girl, but she is more beautiful than me. She has long hair, and brown skin. She is in the third grade in Junior High School, now. The last my brother. His name is Lukmanul Hakim. He is very naughty . Now, he is in the sixth grade in Elementary School. He is very lazy, so that he always be angered by our parent.
My Sister
          At home, we are always fighting each other. Everyday, the situation in my house looks like a market. My brother’s caracteristic is the same with me. I like to disturb my sister, because she always cries when I disturb her. She is stingy to me. If her friend borrow something from her, she always lend it to him. I do not know how!
          Now, I am missing family. I never back to my hometown, since on February, because I am very busy at this semester in my college.
          I enjoy to follow my study because since Elementary School, I really like English lesson, and I want to be a a succes person. Therefore, in the future, i will make my parent proud of me; I hope that Allah blesses me to get a good job in the future.

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 07.18 3 komentar

Jam Gadang
          Bukittinggi is a very interesting city in West Sumatera. Bukittinggi is called Tour City. It is special for several reasons. First, it has some wonderful places. One of them is Jam Gadang. Jam Gadang used Roman numeral. At night, Jam Gadang gives light for Bukittinggi city. I do not know when the Jam Gadang was built, but I think it was built when the periods of Colonization of Netherland in Indonesia.
          The seconds is Ngarai Sianok. The Location of Ngarai Sianok is near from Achmad Mukhtar’s hospital. The place of Ngarai Sianok is specific, and also there is Lobang Jepang in there.
          Third, Benteng Ford de Kock. We can take picture there, take a rest, and it is a good place for couple. Then, there is a zoo, and we can see many kinds of animal there. In there, no one can not disturb the animal.
          Visitors should not miss it. Not only visitors love Bukittinggi, but also people of around Bukittinggi. Next, the city has a lot of Wisata Kuliner in Pasar Lereng, exactly in Los Lambuang, such as: Nasi Kapau, Ketupat Pical, and Cendol. There are many restaurant too, such as: Simpang Raya, Gulai Kapau, and Gon Raya.
          Talking about shopping, shopping in Bukittinggi is cheaper. The  quality of clothes to be very nice too. Many visitors are addicted to buy something there. I am proud to be one of Bukittinggi’s people, because the weather is cool.
          So far you who never comes to Bukittinggi yet. Now, you must visit Bukittinggi! You can come to Bukittinggi to enjoy your vacation. You can also add your knowladge about Bukittinggi’s  rules, Bukittinggi’s foods, and interesting place there. Bukittinggi is a city that is beautiful and rich of cultures.

Rabu, 27 April 2011

How to make fried noodles

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 20.05 4 komentar
If you want to make fried noodles. Provide onion, celery, cooking oil, salt, scallions, sauce, and chili. Then, boil water, put noodles, cook for 3 minutes until soft, remove and drain, then flush with cold water, drain, add 1 / 2 recipe of vegetable oil, stir well and set aside.

Heat 1 / 2 recipe of vegetable oil over medium heat, then enter the red onion and garlic, saute until fragrant and wilted.

Enter the chicken and shrimp, stir, and cook until the color changes, and enter the soy sauce, scallions, mustard caisim, salt, and pepper, stir well and cook for 2 minutes.

Enter the last noodle, stir, then add soy sauce, stir, cook until done, remove, sprinkle with fried shallots on top.


Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

My Idol

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 19.18 0 komentar

West Life

West life is my idol,I love west life sitting on the bench since the sixth grade elementary school .Sounds all good personnel and personnel handsome.All the songs are easy to hear and easy to understand.
West life is an Irish musical group consisting of Shane Filan, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne and Mark Feehily. One other member, Bryan McFadden, out on March 9, 2004 for can devote more time to his family life with a former member of Atomic Kitten, Kerry Katona, although they later split up and she changed the spelling her first name to 'Brian'.

The band has proven successful in Ireland and Great Britain, with its success scored 13 number one singles between 1999 and 2005, among others:

    * "Swear It Again" (1999)
    * "If I Let You Go" (1999)
    * "Flying Without Wings", with BoA (contained in the theme song for the movie Pokemon 2000) (1999)
    * "I Have A Dream" / "Seasons In The Sun" (a cover of ABBA and Terry Jacks) (1999)
    * "Fool Again" (2000)
    * "Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)" (duet with Mari ah Carey) (cover of Phil Collins) (2000)
    * "My Love" (2000)
    * "Uptown Girl" (cover of Billy Joel) (2001)
    * "Queen Of My Heart" (2001)
    * "World of Our Own" (2002)
    * "Unbreakable" (2002)
    * "Mandy" (a cover of Barry Mani low) (2003)
    * "You Raise Me Up" (2005)
Not all singles that they made to reach the first rank in the British charts:

    * "What Makes a Man" (2000) # 2
    * "Bop Bop Baby" (2002) # 5
    * "Tonight / Miss You Nights" (2003) # 3
    * "Hey Whatever" (2003) # 4
    * "Obvious" (2004) # 3
West life are also four times in a row won the "Record of the Year" ITV with their single "Flying Without Wings", "My Love", "Mandy", and "You Raise Me Up".
West life are not able to penetrate the musical industry in the United States, although their debut single, "Swear It Again", at that time was quite popular on the radio and MTV U.S.. At the MTV TRL, the video clip "Swear It Again" was once asked several times, and entered on the chart "Hot 100" in one magazine in the U.S. (Billboard Magazine) summer edition in order to-20.

Until now they have not managed to achieve similar success in the U.S.. Their debut album failed after it was released in 2000 and that's the only album they released there. That does not mean no development West life fans there. The band is also very famous in Asia, Europe, Australia and some countries in America than the U.S..

Like any other boy band, the albums they were addressed to the young women, although there is also a fan they are male (approximately 20% of West life fans are male.) West life have performed several times in some places the gay community. On August 19, 2005 one of their band member, Mark Feehily, said he was gay to the public as well as being in a relationship with a former band member Kevin McDaid V named.

So,after all this time I love west life. West life worthy of holding up the thumb over all creation in all world,they not only known in domestic and even abroad.

My Idol

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 19.16 0 komentar

West life is my idol,I love west life sitting on the bench since the sixth grade elementary school .Sounds all good personnel and personnel handsome.All the songs are easy to hear and easy to understand.
West life is an Irish musical group consisting of Shane Filan, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne and Mark Feehily. One other member, Bryan McFadden, out on March 9, 2004 for can devote more time to his family life with a former member of Atomic Kitten, Kerry Katona, although they later split up and she changed the spelling her first name to 'Brian'.

The band has proven successful in Ireland and Great Britain, with its success scored 13 number one singles between 1999 and 2005, among others:

    * "Swear It Again" (1999)
    * "If I Let You Go" (1999)
    * "Flying Without Wings", with BoA (contained in the theme song for the movie Pokemon 2000) (1999)
    * "I Have A Dream" / "Seasons In The Sun" (a cover of ABBA and Terry Jacks) (1999)
    * "Fool Again" (2000)
    * "Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)" (duet with Mari ah Carey) (cover of Phil Collins) (2000)
    * "My Love" (2000)
    * "Uptown Girl" (cover of Billy Joel) (2001)
    * "Queen Of My Heart" (2001)
    * "World of Our Own" (2002)
    * "Unbreakable" (2002)
    * "Mandy" (a cover of Barry Mani low) (2003)
    * "You Raise Me Up" (2005)
Not all singles that they made to reach the first rank in the British charts:

    * "What Makes a Man" (2000) # 2
    * "Bop Bop Baby" (2002) # 5
    * "Tonight / Miss You Nights" (2003) # 3
    * "Hey Whatever" (2003) # 4
    * "Obvious" (2004) # 3
West life are also four times in a row won the "Record of the Year" ITV with their single "Flying Without Wings", "My Love", "Mandy", and "You Raise Me Up".
West life are not able to penetrate the musical industry in the United States, although their debut single, "Swear It Again", at that time was quite popular on the radio and MTV U.S.. At the MTV TRL, the video clip "Swear It Again" was once asked several times, and entered on the chart "Hot 100" in one magazine in the U.S. (Billboard Magazine) summer edition in order to-20.

Until now they have not managed to achieve similar success in the U.S.. Their debut album failed after it was released in 2000 and that's the only album they released there. That does not mean no development West life fans there. The band is also very famous in Asia, Europe, Australia and some countries in America than the U.S..

Like any other boy band, the albums they were addressed to the young women, although there is also a fan they are male (approximately 20% of West life fans are male.) West life have performed several times in some places the gay community. On August 19, 2005 one of their band member, Mark Feehily, said he was gay to the public as well as being in a relationship with a former band member Kevin McDaid V named.

So,after all this time I love west life. West life worthy of holding up the thumb over all creation in all world,they not only known in domestic and even abroad.

My Idol

Diposting oleh Noer Fitri Sari di 19.11 0 komentar

West Life

West life is my idol,I love west life sitting on the bench since the sixth grade elementary school .Sounds all good personnel and personnel handsome.All the songs are easy to hear and easy to understand.
West life is an Irish musical group consisting of Shane Filan, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne and Mark Feehily. One other member, Bryan McFadden, out on March 9, 2004 for can devote more time to his family life with a former member of Atomic Kitten, Kerry Katona, although they later split up and she changed the spelling her first name to 'Brian'.

The band has proven successful in Ireland and Great Britain, with its success scored 13 number one singles between 1999 and 2005, among others:

    * "Swear It Again" (1999)
    * "If I Let You Go" (1999)
    * "Flying Without Wings", with BoA (contained in the theme song for the movie Pokemon 2000) (1999)
    * "I Have A Dream" / "Seasons In The Sun" (a cover of ABBA and Terry Jacks) (1999)
    * "Fool Again" (2000)
    * "Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)" (duet with Mari ah Carey) (cover of Phil Collins) (2000)
    * "My Love" (2000)
    * "Uptown Girl" (cover of Billy Joel) (2001)
    * "Queen Of My Heart" (2001)
    * "World of Our Own" (2002)
    * "Unbreakable" (2002)
    * "Mandy" (a cover of Barry Mani low) (2003)
    * "You Raise Me Up" (2005)
Not all singles that they made to reach the first rank in the British charts:

    * "What Makes a Man" (2000) # 2
    * "Bop Bop Baby" (2002) # 5
    * "Tonight / Miss You Nights" (2003) # 3
    * "Hey Whatever" (2003) # 4
    * "Obvious" (2004) # 3
West life are also four times in a row won the "Record of the Year" ITV with their single "Flying Without Wings", "My Love", "Mandy", and "You Raise Me Up".
West life are not able to penetrate the musical industry in the United States, although their debut single, "Swear It Again", at that time was quite popular on the radio and MTV U.S.. At the MTV TRL, the video clip "Swear It Again" was once asked several times, and entered on the chart "Hot 100" in one magazine in the U.S. (Billboard Magazine) summer edition in order to-20.

Until now they have not managed to achieve similar success in the U.S.. Their debut album failed after it was released in 2000 and that's the only album they released there. That does not mean no development West life fans there. The band is also very famous in Asia, Europe, Australia and some countries in America than the U.S..

Like any other boy band, the albums they were addressed to the young women, although there is also a fan they are male (approximately 20% of West life fans are male.) West life have performed several times in some places the gay community. On August 19, 2005 one of their band member, Mark Feehily, said he was gay to the public as well as being in a relationship with a former band member Kevin McDaid V named.

So,after all this time I love west life. West life worthy of holding up the thumb over all creation in all world,they not only known in domestic and even abroad.


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